We are an Open and Affirming congregation, meaning that we truly welcome ALL no matter sexual orientation, gender identity, religious background, abilities or disabilities, race, financial status, etc. See Our Covenant for more on how we work to always BE THE CHURCH and go above and beyond our walls to show that compassion and God's love have no limits. Dive into our website and social media accounts to learn all about what we do and who we are. If you have questions or want to grab a coffee with either Pastor Dan or Jimmy to learn more about us, send us an email!
Although there are designated male and female restrooms, we offer single-use restrooms for any and all genders. There are two located on the main floor: inside the Parlor (near main entrance of church) as well as inside the Whole Health Ministries room (across from Fellowship Hall). Just look for the inclusive restroom sign!
Our campus is entirely wheelchair and walker accessible, from handicap parking spaces and a porte-cochère for easy drop offs, to all interior rooms of the church and the upper levels of our meditation garden. We offer personal sound amplifiers and use ADA compliant font sizes on our bulletins and projected PowerPoint. If you have additional questions regarding our ADA compliance, please reach out!
Stop by our Welcome Table at the main entrance to grab a nametag, flyers and bookmarks with church info, and the latest monthly bulletin. We also have personal sound amplifiers for those who need them!
Coming soon... the Nurturing Center! Designed as a space for families who need space. We love kids in the sanctuary, but sometimes parents need to step out. With windows to see into the sanctuary and speakers to hear the service, the Nurturing Center is the future home of Kids' Korner and Godly Play activities. Coming early 2025!
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month as well as on special occasions. We believe that all are welcome at the communion table, no exceptions. We offer gluten-free bread and grape juice as alternates to bread and wine.
Since 2020, our online presence has grown. Everyone is welcome into our sanctuary on Sunday mornings but for those unable to attend in person, we gladly livestream the service via Facebook Live. The placement of the iPad allows those at home to have a front-row seat to Pastor Dan, the PowerPoint, and musical performances. Click the link above to view previous services!
We find many ways to BE THE CHURCH throughout the week, and we invite everyone to join us! From Fishes and Loaves, Phil's Place, Senior Social, the Guild, youth events, handbell choir and chancel choir, there are many ways to be involved. Click "Ministries" in the tab above to find out more about all our different offerings.
Infants, children, youth, or adults, we welcome all to be baptized as the sign and seal of God’s grace and forgiveness. We hold baptisms during our service, as a communal celebration of the baptized.
We believe that love is love. No matter your gender or sexual orientation, you are beloved child of God and are welcomed to wed in our sacred spaces. Pastor Dan and our music director, Jimmy, are happy to meet with you to plan.
In times of grief, we are here to honor and celebrate your loved one in any way we can. Whether through a traditional funeral or a celebration of life, Pastor Dan and Jimmy will work with your family and guide you through this difficult time.
We are more than happy to meet with you, no matter your question. Pastor Dan and our Director of Music, Media, and Faith Formation, Jimmy, love getting to know folks over a warm cup of coffee. Come visit us during office hours or send us an email to schedule a time to chat!
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Copyright © 2025 First United Church of Christ - Cincinnati.
All Rights Reserved.
Join us Sundays @ 10:15 a.m., in person or online!